7 Things Your Parents Wish You Knew about Studying Abroad
Tips and Advice
University Life
03 February, 2020
6 mins read
By Ahmed Azzam

7 Things Your Parents Wish You Knew about Studying Abroad
Tips and Advice
University Life
03 February, 2020
6 mins read

By Ahmed Azzam
Whether it's in London, Manchester, Melbourne, Sydney, or New York, studying abroad is an exciting step in your life as you start your journey of being an independent young adult and pursuing your dream career. This excitement will be accompanied by your parents being constantly worried about you starting a new life and taking control of every detail in it. They will try to prepare you to be responsible for your daily needs, including groceries, transportation, bills, textbooks, etc.
Try to actually listen to their advice before planning your new life as a university student abroad. Your parents will be enthusiastic to tell you about their experience to help you through your new adventure, don't take that for granted, and ask them questions that could help you. It is not easy for them knowing you will be away for a long time, and yet they want to encourage you on that significant step you are about to take. Even if you think you will do just fine, keep in mind what your parents would wish for you while studying abroad. This way, they won't have to worry much. Here is a list of what they want from you while studying abroad.
1. They Want You to Stay Safe and Healthy
When you study abroad, you have to know the local laws and customs because they differ from one country to another and they are essential for you to be safe. For example, when you drive in the UK, the steering wheel is on the left of the car, and you have to stick to the left lane. If you haven't visited the UK before, you will be surprised by this difference that changes road traffic laws.
Your passport is your primary ID in your new country, so don't forget to always have it on you wherever you go. You should make sure it is valid, and there's a copy of it. Google the location of your embassy as soon as you arrive because you might want to complete urgent documents there. You should also make a contact list that will be accessible in case of an emergency.
Always pay attention to the surroundings while moving around the city and try not to roam around late at night. Having a small amount of cash enough for each day is safer, and the rest should be left secured in your room. Remember the time your parents kept telling you to have enough sleep or a power nap? They will still do! After all, it is for your own health and energy. Don't take advantage of your newfound freedom and stay up late because you'll regret it in the morning! When you sleep well, you'll have enough energy to take on the day. Your parents will love it if you learn some necessary first aid skills just in case of emergencies. Your mom will be even more proud when you learn to cook your own food and avoid fast food. It's not only your parents who'll be grateful for that initiative, but your body will be too!
2. They Want You to Get Ready for Paperwork
Be ready to fill up forms and applications for travel documents. Travelling requires lots of paperwork, and you have to step up for the task and get everything done quickly without too much hassle. Your parents are aware of how it could be draining, but they need you to be responsible for this particular adult task so you would be prepared to deal with any documentation that might be required while living abroad by yourself.
Getting your passport is your first step to studying abroad. Make sure you give yourself around eight weeks for issuing it since the process sometimes takes time. If you already have one, that's great! Just make sure it is not expired.
Applying for your student visa is done by going to the country's embassy. Check the website before paying a visit to know all the required documents for the application. Student visas require the passport and the acceptance letter from the educational institution. It is always better to have multiple copies of your documents in case you need them or if you lost one.
3. They Want You To Choose The Perfect Accommodation
You are about to move to your own place, and your parents would want you to make it a home away from home, being as comfortable and cozy. There are many things to consider when you choose your student accommodation; security, facilities, bills, the neighborhood with the surrounding amenities, and more. They will need to make sure you live in a suitable place with the amenities you might want, like a pharmacy and a supermarket. You might want a quiet accommodation in a lively neighborhood, or you may think of a room close to college. We offer you and your parents a guide through Our Student Accommodation Experts who will answer all your questions and show you a clear vision of your new home in your new city. Whether you want to share your room or have your own studio, we have all the varieties to meet your preferences.
4. They Want You To Stay on a Budget
You are about to live on your own, and this comes with some responsibilities. You should organize your monthly expenses by staying on a budget and avoiding spending money on things that you might cut off. It'll be difficult, but maybe our 7 Savvy Ways to Live on a Budget as a Student blog will help you exceed your parents' expectations. They will worry that you consume too much of your budget monthly, so prove to them that you will not become that ramen-eating broke college student! As for paying the bills, you might want to do it earlier in the month so you can sort out the rest of your expenses. Luckily, we offer numerous accommodations that have all-inclusive bills. If you want to know more about this type of bills, be sure to check our blog that will answer your question What's All-Inclusive Bills? In short, it offers you a way of having all your bills paid with the rent, so you don't have to plan and track bills. You will also be relieved from the struggle of splitting bills with your mates.
5. They Want To Stay in Touch With You
Your parents would love to know that they can call you at any time. The very first time you need to get in touch with them is your arrival time. They would love getting a call from you, assuring them you arrived safely. With today's technology, you can have many ways to stay in touch with them. Your busy schedule would make it harder for regular calls, but texting every now and then or sending an email is always a nice gesture that they will appreciate. Making room for yourself to contact your parents will be a warm moment of your day that will help them know your progress as well as ease your homesickness.
There are many free applications that you can use for video calls like Skype, Whatsapp, and Facebook. You might start a tradition of a weekly video call bearing in mind the difference in time zone. Throughout the week, leave them a message to let them know you're okay, how your studies are going, and that you miss them. It's simple, but it will mean a lot to them.
6. They Want You to Get Ready for The Weather
Your move to a new city will also be different weather-wise, and you have to prepare yourself to deal with the weather in your new home. Start by researching the average temperature throughout the year, especially your arrival time so that you could wear the right clothes. If you are from a warm country and you are studying in one that has snowy winters, make sure you have heavy clothes to live through the winter and enjoy seeing snow for the first time too!
7. They Want You To Pack Everything You Need
Smart Packing is always a must. Your parents will rush to give you tips on how to pack. They will want you to create a list of the things you will pack or items you will need to buy before getting onto the plane. It's essential to research the limit of luggage allowed on an international flight and the permitted weight limit for each piece of luggage before packing. Start by preparing your go-to clothes for everyday life and limit your formal attire as much as possible; it will probably take some time to attend a wedding or a formal event over there. Also, you have to pack for the upcoming seasons, so have clothes ready for the weather change. Don't forget to pack some workout clothes for when you decide to hit the gym or have a morning walk. In addition, There are essential toiletries you must pack like your toothbrush, sunscreen, cosmetics, and medications. The important electronics to take to your residence include mobile charge, laptop with charger, camera, and a portable power bank. Think of things from your home country that you might not find in your new city. Remember to keep your money and passport on hand in a backpack as they will be of recurrent use.
Tips and Advice
University Life
By Ahmed Azzam
Tips and Advice
University Life
By Ahmed Azzam