DCU Developing Major Student Housing Plan
By Casita Team
24 April, 2019

DCU Developing Major Student Housing Plan
By Casita Team
24 April, 2019

Dublin City University (DCU) has significant plans to add 1,240 student beds on campus
With Dublin already seeing a huge rise in student developments, the latest project comes from one of the most prestigious education institutions in the country.
DCU Student Accommodation
The student accommodation building will be located right at the university’s main Glasnevin campus. The ambitious project is currently in development as a strategic housing plan. A total of 1,240 student beds will be available in the proposed building, providing convenient accommodation for both local and international students looking to study at DCU.
The university now has a total student population that exceeds 17,000 students. Other institutions in Dublin under the incorporation of the university are Mater Dei Institute of Education, St Patrick’s College, and the Church of Ireland College of Education.
Student Accommodation Plans in Dublin
Proposals for student accommodation in Dublin are on the rise in the Irish capital, with many already in the construction phase. In 2018, the European division of acclaimed US property firm Starwood Capital provided an €11.25M loan as financing for a 127-bed student housing project in Dublin. There are many other student accommodation investors in the region today, including Hines, a real estate group from the US working under the brand Aparto.
The Dublin City Council Housing Report
The DCC has recently completed a survey looking into private purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) buildings all over Dublin. The results show that about 80% of students living in these accommodations are international students, paying an average of €250 per week in rent. Interviews took place in 7 buildings located in the Dublin city centre. The students mentioned that they spend about €64 on a weekly basis in the area. Furthermore, 98% of the residents had their very own room with the majority opting to share kitchen facilities with 1-4 students. The report also reached the conclusion that student accommodation produced an overall positive impact on the local community.