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CERN Adds the University of Bath to Physics Research Group

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By Casita Team


25 October, 2019


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CERN Adds the University of Bath to Physics Research Group

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By Casita Team


25 October, 2019


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CERN, the acclaimed European organization for nuclear research located in Geneva and known for operating the world’s largest particle physics laboratory, has added yet another major UK institution to its popular general-purpose detector CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid) project. The University of Bath is now an official affiliate member of the project which aims at investigating particle physics to widen understanding of the field.

The collaboration will see a project for PhD students supervised in Bath in which they will look into the behaviour of cooling systems to be used in the next CMS upgrade planned for the year 2024. Furthermore, Mechanical Engineering students from different study years will be working on the development of the underground cavern of the CMS located at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). They will also investigate ways to reuse waste heat and upgrade the facility’s automated monitoring.

The significant union with CERN research facility is expected to open up various placement positions at the organization for Bath students and further proving the university a world-leading destination within the industry.

Dr Alexander Lunt, a current Mechanical Engineering lecturer at the university, commented on the achievement: "We already have students on placement at CERN and several alumni working at the organisation, but this broadening of the relationship will present several exciting new opportunities that we are eager to embrace. We are extremely keen to begin working closely with staff at the Compact Muon Solenoid to support them in increasing human understanding of some of the most fundamental physics questions."

The Vice-Chancellor and President of the University of Bath, Professor Ian White, expressed his enthusiasm about the collaboration and the placement opportunities expected for Bath students: "Working with a world-leading scientific organisation such as CERN will create first-class opportunities for University of Bath students and research staff and reaffirms our place among the UK's leading  engineering institutions."