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150 EPQ Ideas That Are Easy To Stick To

Tips and Advice

University Life

26 January, 2023


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By Allaa Ashraf

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150 EPQ Ideas That Are Easy To Stick To

Tips and Advice

University Life

26 January, 2023


10 mins read

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By Allaa Ashraf

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So, you’re finishing up high school and want to go the extra mile to guarantee your spot at your dream university, studying your dream major, especially if you’re planning on studying in the UK. We can hear you saying through the screen: “Yes, please!”. Our answer is "EPQ."

Let us say this: going the extra mile means extra workload; it’s not easy—but it can be, when you know exactly what you’re doing. EPQs are a way to show you've been doing work, to help your dream university see that you are being productive, and to help you stay motivated. If you have ever wondered how to get started on an Extended Project Qualification (EPQ), this article will help you figure out what to do. So without further ado, let’s dive in and learn 150 ideas that are easy to stick to!

First Things First, What’s an EPQ Project?

The EPQ is an A-level standard standalone certification created to improve and expand your skills beyond the A-level curriculum and prepare you for college or future careers. An EPQ is studied in college or sixth form. They are regarded as one of the greatest ways to get ready for college and a great way to broaden your skill set.

  • It is equivalent to one-half of an A-level and can be used to supplement other Level 3 qualifications or vocational credentials (28 UCAS points)

  • Universities and employers recognise it.

  • For students pursuing an EPQ, many colleges provide lesser A-level offers.

EPQ Ideas

So, How Does this Thing, EPQ, Actually Work?

Students can take charge of their own projects with the EPQ. They get to organise and conduct research on a subject of their choosing that isn't covered by their other qualifications. They may get inspiration from a topic discussed in class or from something private and unconnected to their academic work. After that, they put their study to use to produce a paper in writing or, in the case of practical projects, an artefact or a production.

Why Should You Do an EPQ Project?

Even though students are not required to complete EPQs, you might still want to think about doing one. It is a fantastic chance for you to show prospective colleges your personality and originality. Your EPQ will show admissions officers how diligent and good a researcher you are. Depending on the kind of EPQ concepts you select, it may even show how knowledgeable you are about the program you've applied for, which can strengthen your application.

By being accountable for the selection, design, and decision-making processes for a single project (or for a single role in a collaborative project), students:

  • Develop and apply decision-making and problem-solving skills

  • Improve their planning, research, analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and presenting skills Learn to apply technology with confidence

  • Become more critical, reflective, and independent learners

Other advantages for students and schools of completing an EPQ include:

  • Improved A Level achievement for students studying EPQ

  • Improving student motivation by allowing them to study issues of personal interest 

  • Allowing students to use their new abilities to other areas of study 

  • Enhancing student recruitment by making your curriculum more desirable

150 EPQ Tips

How to Choose an EPQ Topic?

1. Make It Relevant

A solid EPQ research project will be relevant to the current world situation. However, this does not restrict you from basing your idea on historical occurrences. On the other hand, using historical references to support your concept is a terrific idea. However, the trick is to relate it to concerns with current significance.

2. Narrow It Down

When picking an EPQ idea, there is a fine balance between breadth and depth. On the one hand, you want to choose a broad topic to allow for a lot of discussions. Go too broad, however, and you'll have too much to say in too few words, which will result in a superficial assessment. We advise choosing a specific topic that you can approach from various angles.

3. Adopt An Interdisciplinary Approach

An important component of the EPQ is seeing how themes cross over into other disciplines rather than merely concentrating on one tiny element. Always choose an EPQ topic that incorporates multidisciplinary studies. There are always connections between different topics; you simply need to look for them.

4. Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

Generally speaking, a good EPQ is one where you learn something new or gain a new skill, yet also stay true to your interests (we’ll get to that part next). The only way to achieve this is to venture outside of your comfort zone and pursue interests somewhat outside your field of expertise. 

5. Consider Your Own Interests

Make sure you choose an EPQ essay topic that truly interests you because you'll spend a lot of time researching and writing it. If you are genuinely engaged in the subject matter of your research, it will go much more smoothly. 

6. Start With a Question

After deciding on a broad subject, it's time to get more specific. Making your EPQ thoughts more specific will help you write a detailed paper because it can be challenging to write on a topic that is too broad. It will be easier for you to focus your study once you have identified the question you wish to address.

7. Make It Interesting

Make your EPQ engaging, no matter which concept you choose! A boring assignment will be difficult to write as well as difficult to read, and you ultimately want to keep your reader interested and involved. Ensure you've considered enough techniques to keep your reader interested and engaged while reading your paper.

8. Make Sure You Have Enough Content

You already have a lot on your plate, and writing 5000 words is not an easy feat with the A-levels rapidly approaching. Do a quick Google search before choosing a topic to determine if there is enough information available on it. Finding reliable sources to use may be challenging if your topic is too specialised. Try out a few various EPQ concepts before choosing the one that will make your research easier.

9. Think of Your Career Plans

Your EPQ could be a fantastic opportunity to demonstrate to prospective universities that you have what it takes to succeed in their programme. If you have one, it could be a good idea to centre your EPQ ideas around your career objective to demonstrate your interest in and commitment to the field.

What Are Some Top EPQ Ideas?

EPQ Ideas for Medicine

  1. Do care homes provide adequate care to dementia patients?
  2. The ethical issues surrounding stem cell research
  3. How much should doctors and nurses be paid?  
  4. Should parents be allowed to genetically alter their child’s gender?
  5. Should counsellors have a qualification in psychology before being allowed to practice?
  6. What are the similarities between Reactive Attachment Disorder and Autism?

EPQ Ideas for Psychology

  1. Is it ethical to use psychological ‘tricks’ to benefit the economy?
  2. What goes on inside the brain of someone who is prejudiced?
  3. Can non-violent psychopaths have successful relationships?
  4. Is technology making us more depressed?
  5. Do gender-neutral toys lead to children with less stereotypical views of gender roles?
  6. How someone’s brain changes when they are in love

EPQ Ideas for Law

  1. Should men who have female companions sue them for having an abortion?
  2. Could the government be required by law to compensate women for the unpaid work they do that helps the economy?
  3. Is claiming insanity a loophole for criminals?
  4. When it comes to violations of human rights, when should one nation legally step in to another?
  5. What is the role of mass media during a high-profile investigation?  
  6. How can the government undo previous wrongful convictions?

 EPQ for law

EPQ Ideas for Biology

  1. Are animals as intelligent as humans?
  2. What are mutants, and how do diseases develop variants?
  3. Why do antidepressants have so many side effects on the user of said antidepressant?
  4. If your spouse died, what would the ethical implications be of cloning them?
  5. To what extent can gene technology aid the treatment of leukaemia?
  6. Could brain transplants ever be a viable option?

EPQ Ideas for History

  1. Is it right to topple the statues of slave owners, in order to erase history?
  2. What is the role of art in the telling of History?
  3. Relationship between mythology, culture, and civilization.
  4. Should museums return all their historical artefacts to their country of origin?
  5. How did secret churches operate in Mao’s China?
  6. What’s the basis of History to modern civilization?

EPQ Ideas for Economics

  1. Can money buy you happiness?
  2. Does a lack of wealth in childhood really hold you back in life?
  3. Should billionaires be allowed to exist?
  4. What are the chances of another global recession?
  5. Is the gig economy leading to job insecurity a myth?
  6. How has Brexit affected the UK economy?

EPQ Ideas for Business Studies

  1. Will Google kill the journalism industry?
  2. Should a business ever own a town or city?
  3. To what extent does colour affect audience response to branding and logos?
  4. The psychology behind advertising.
  5. How are successful start-ups formed?
  6. A study of businesswomen in the 18th Century

EPQ Ideas for English Literature

  1. Is it possible for a novel or piece of writing to be timeless?
  2. What does it take to become an author?
  3. Is writing an act of magic?
  4. Is English Literature considered a ‘feminine’ subject?
  5. What impact did literature have during WW2?
  6. Are books becoming obsolete?

150 EPQ Ideas

EPQ Ideas for Art

  1. Who decides the value of art, and should we standardise it?
  2. Can anything be art?
  3. Can art reverse the effects of mental illness?
  4. Are art and beauty essentially related?
  5. If nobody ever saw your artwork, would it be worth creating?
  6. Is art a language?
  7. Van Gogh’s life as an artist.
  8. How do artists make their art memorable?
  9. How has Andy Warhol influenced modern art?
  10. How is art used as a symbol of hope?
  11. The world of abstract art.
  12. Why did the most famous artists not become famous until after their deaths?
  13. How art has been used to address social issues.
  14. What can ancient art tell us about our history?
  15. Why is 3D art becoming more popular only now?EPQ for ARTs

EPQ Ideas for Foreign Languages

  1. Where did language come from?
  2. Do idioms prove that languages can never truly be translated?
  3. Is body language universal across all countries?
  4. Why is English such a dominant language across the world?
  5. Is learning a language cultural appropriation?
  6. What does baby-talk in different foreign countries teach us about the acquisition of language?

EPQ Ideas for Sport

  1. How sports stars experience an identity crisis after they retire?
  2. Why do we fail to take women’s sports seriously as a society?
  3. What is the link between stress in sports and mental health in today’s athletes?
  4. Should referees be replaced by AI-powered robots, to decrease bias?
  5. How much does a person's capacity to excel in a sport come from their genes?
  6. Who decides when something is a sport?

EPQ Ideas for Architecture

  1. How does the design of a building influence its inhabitants emotions?
  2. What is the link between mathematics and art in Architecture?
  3. How does technology affect architecture?
  4. What is the likelihood of a successful adaptation of smart space-efficient buildings in the Western world?
  5. Large family buildings: privacy and its resultant effect.
  6. Minimalism and its place in modern-day architecture.

EPQ Ideas for Maths

  1. Has maths always been around?
  2. Can we calculate and quantify infinity?
  3. Do maths help students learn other subjects?
  4. Can maths explain how the universe came into existence?
  5. Is maths a pointless subject if we don’t apply it to something?
  6. What are the links between mathematics and art?

EPQ Ideas for Physics

  1. How does String Theory explain the universe?
  2. How can physics help us prevent climate change?
  3. What are the relationships between maths and physics?
  4. What would happen to the solar system when the sun dies?
  5. Now that NASA has confirmed there is water on the moon, could it be a feasible tourist destination?
  6. Given their devastating effects, should we eliminate nuclear weapons from the earth?

EPQ Ideas for Chemistry

  1. An assessment of the safety of fluoride in water.
  2. Why doesn’t plastic decompose?
  3. What are the chemicals involved in human attraction?
  4. How does cortisol affect the human body?
  5. What are the advantages of computer-aided fragment-based drug design?
  6. How can click chemistry be used to improve drug synthesis?

EPQ Ideas for Engineering

  1. Should we teach Engineering in primary school?
  2. Why is there a gender imbalance in Engineering, and how can we fix it?
  3. What would it mean for an engineer to be ethical when building something?
  4. How has Civil Engineering changed over time?
  5. How can chemical engineers improve energy efficiency?
  6. Will we have enough oil for future generations?

EPQ Ideas for Computer Science

  1. Why we should teach children how to code at the same time we teach them to write.
  2. Create a website design and code it.
  3. Is Computer Science a more relevant subject than Physics?
  4. Will we ever be able to search Google through a microchip in our brains?
  5. Should we allow AI-writing assistants like Grammarly to change the way we express ourselves?
  6. What are the positive effects of machine learning on healthcare?

150 EPQ Ideas

EPQ Ideas for Ethics

  1. Should people be able to sue their parents for bringing them into the world?
  2. Do men automatically have the right to be present at their child’s birth?
  3. Should we be allowed to dispose of spare embryos in IVF?
  4. Should parents be allowed to edit out genetic conditions before a child’s birth?
  5. Should testing fetuses for Down’s Syndrome be legal?
  6. Are our moral decisions innate or socially conditioned?

EPQ Ideas for Politics

  1. Why has the USA never had a female president?
  2. If we colonised Mars, who would govern it?
  3. Should there be universal freedom of information?
  4. How are female politicians and prime ministers perceived?
  5. How has Twitter revolutionised politics?
  6. An assessment of the case for anarchy.

EPQ Ideas for Sociology

  1. How can we reverse stereotypes over drug use and misuse in different communities?
  2. What is the impact of the media on our perception of women from Muslim communities?
  3. How do gender, class, race, and sexuality affect us and our social relations today?
  4. Do emotions come from society, or from within us?
  5. How do different models of socialisation affect children?
  6. How racial segregation in cities enforces poverty, and prevents upward mobility.

EPQ Ideas for Geography

  1. Is there such a thing as collective trauma after a natural disaster?
  2. Does the earth belong more to humans than animals?
  3. To what extent should be deforestation allowed?
  4. How does tourism affect a country’s culture?
  5. Should all new houses be built with solar panels?
  6. How does living as an illegal immigrant affect mental and physical health?

EPQ Ideas for Religious Studies

  1. Why materialism can’t disprove the existence of God.
  2. Why science and religion are part of the same entity.
  3. How did the history of the church shape our society today?
  4. Can you ever justify taking a life?
  5. Should politicians interfere in religious conflicts?
  6. How do you explain the goodness of God in the light of the world’s evil?

EPQ Ideas for Philosophy

  1. How are films of the west and the east affected by the dominant religions of their population?
  2. Is Plato's cave still an accurate metaphor that we should teach film students?
  3. Do Abrahamic religions inherently propagate sexism?
  4. Can we call philosophers artists?
  5. Does the world exist outside the self?
  6. How does religious ideology negatively affect policies?
  7. How does technology affect our definition of “real”?
  8. Is the trolly problem still an effective way to test AI?
  9. Should we create a new government body to oversee the development and ethics of new AI technologies?

And there you have it! That was practically your most comprehensive guide to EPQs! So, which one is it going to be for you?

Tips and Advice

University Life

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By Allaa Ashraf

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Tips and Advice

University Life

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By Allaa Ashraf

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