What Are the Top Toughest Courses in the World?
Tips and Advice
University Life
24 October, 2023
8 mins read
By Samir Badawy

What Are the Top Toughest Courses in the World?
Tips and Advice
University Life
24 October, 2023
8 mins read

By Samir Badawy
Curious to know what the toughest courses in the world are? Keep reading to get a list including some of the world’s most complex courses based on several factors. It is essential to know, however, that a course’s complexity should not deter you from your goals and passions, as high effort and risks often lead to high rewards!
This is why many of our picks on our list of the toughest courses in the world lead to high-paying jobs. In the following sections, we will be listing the typical course contents, examination methods, career outcomes, and expected salaries upon graduation. Lastly, we’ll be exploring what makes a course difficult as a whole while providing solutions.
The Top Toughest Courses in the World
Some of the toughest courses in the world include but are not limited to the following:
1. Aerospace Engineering
Often regarded as one of the toughest courses in the world, Aerospace engineering is a field of study that combines various scientific subjects, which include mathematical studies such as trigonometry, algebra, and calculus. It not only depends on mathematical skills but also writing and good design skills.
Examination methods include essays, reports, practical demonstrations, presentations, coursework, and exams.
Aerospace Engineering Course Material
Space mission analysis and design
Heat transfer
Airframe design and flight dynamics
Mechanics of flight
Space systems
Aircraft design
Aircraft design
Management and business
Aerospace Engineering Career Outcomes
Aerospace engineer
Engineering consultant
Aeronautical designer
Manufacturing engineer
According to the UK government, a starting salary for aerospace engineers typically starts at £25,000 a year and ultimately goes up to £52,000 a year for experienced engineers. Note that these are the average salaries and that figures may vary depending on the company.
2. Architecture
As an architect, you are expected to have a wide range of mathematical background knowledge, which includes geometry, trigonometry, and algebra. You should also be good at design.
If you do not have a good background in those subjects in particular, you may face difficulty studying architecture. Architecture also has a heavy workload compared to other majors and will often require you to study for long hours. However, this difficulty is often rewarded upon graduating.
Assessment methods include essays, design portfolios, projects (design-based), reports, case studies, coursework, and exams (written-based).
Architecture Course Material
Technology and environment
Design process and communication
Sustainable design
Buildable, habitable design
Design process and communication
Architecture Career Outcomes
Architectural technologist
Building surveyor
Conservation architect
Interior designer
Landscape architect
Architects Average Salary
According to the UK government, an entry-level average salary for architects is £30,000 for starters and £60,000 for experienced individuals per year.
3. Chemical Engineering
Chemical engineering combines various studies, including life sciences, physical sciences, and mathematics. It would certainly help if you had background knowledge on these subjects. This study is concerned with converting raw materials into useful products such as electronics, food, medicine, plastics, etc. Chemical engineering also utilises various technologies, such as bioengineering and nanotechnology.
Assessments typically include exams, essays, reports, projects (design and research), coursework, and presentations.
Chemical Engineering Course Material
Structures, materials, and dynamics
Fluid mechanics, mass and heat transfer, and thermodynamics
Introduction to Biochemical Engineering
Chemistry and processes
Engineering computation
Chemical Engineering Career Outcomes
Nuclear engineer
Design engineer
Chemical engineer
Product development scientist
Chemical Engineering Salary
According to the UK government, depending on your experience level, you can make anywhere from £30,000 to £65,000, with those earning the latter figure being on the experienced level.
4. Pharmacy
Pharmacy is a difficult course, not only because of its workload but also because of the background knowledge required, as it includes various scientific subjects, which will be showcased in the course material section.
Assessments are often based on research papers, coursework, projects (group-based), presentations, and exams.
Pharmacy Course Material
Pharmacy course materials include the following:
Business and pharmaceutical enterprise
Chemistry for pharmacists
Health, disease and therapeutics
Clinical drug development
Cellular and molecular biology
Pharmacy Career Outcomes
Clinical researcher
Drug discovery consultant
Pharmacovigilance manager
Pharmacy Graduates Salary
Entry-level pharmacy graduates will typically earn £19,000–£30,000 in the UK.
5. Astrophysics
Astrophysics is concerned with the universe, which includes the solar system, as well as material sciences, electronics, and optics. While studying astrophysics, your main focus will be on how physics applies to astronomical objects and phenomena.
Astrophysics students undergo various assessment methods, which include presentations, lab reports, exams, critical reviews, peer assessments, and presentations.
Astrophysics Course Material
Some of the typically covered course materials include:
Quantum physics and electromagnetism
Big bang cosmology
Mathematics for physics
Thermal properties of matter
Particle and atomic physics
Astrophysics Career Outcomes
Career outcomes for astrophysics typically include the following:
Research scientist
Aerospace engineer
Teacher or lecturer
Research development leader
Data analyst
Astrophysics Average Salary
According to Glassdoor, astrophysics professionals can make anywhere from £18,042 to £108,528 per year on average, depending on experience level.
6. Medicine
We cannot mention the toughest courses in the world without mentioning medicine, which requires memorization, vast background knowledge, and a high workload. You will need a minimum of five years to complete your training.
Assessments in medicine are often based on essays, presentations, assignments, and, more importantly, anatomy practice and simulation exercises.
Medicine Course Material
Some of the course materials include the following:
Clinical procedural skills
Medical cell biology and genetics
Health behaviours, musculoskeletal, respiratory and digestive systems
Medicine Career Outcomes
Some of the career outcomes of medicine graduates include:
Civil servant
Clinical research
Expedition medical officer
Forensic medical examiner
Genetic scientist
Consultant anaesthetist
Health service manager
Medicine Graduates Salary
In the UK, medical graduates are paid based on specific pay scales for healthcare occupations in the UK. However, in general, the minimum earnings are £20,330 per year for a Band 3 healthcare professional and can go up to £107,840 per year for Band 9 healthcare professionals. This also differs based on location, as salaries differ between England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
7. Electrical Engineering
Electrical engineering is also among the toughest courses in the world among its other engineering counterparts. It studies the application of electronics, electricity, and electromagnetism and is typically applied in the robotics, construction, and transportation industries, among others.
Examination methods typically include coursework, reports, presentations, and lab observations.
Electrical Engineering Course Material
Circuits and analysis
Electrical power and machines
Mathematics for engineers and scientists
Semiconductor electronics
Structures, materials and dynamics
Electrical Engineering Career Outcomes
Electrical engineer
Avionic systems engineer
Generator engineer
Systems analyst
Software and systems engineer
Electrical Engineering Salary
According to the UK government, you can make £20,000 per year as a starter and £60,000 per year on an experienced level.
8. Chartered Accountancy
Unlike the other previously mentioned courses, its difficulty does not only stem from its complexity or workload but is, in fact, its study duration. To become a chartered accountant, you must finish your undergraduate programme, which lasts three to four years, depending on the country, and later take a CA course, which takes three or more years.
Accounting programmes typically follow the following examination methods, which include coursework, projects, presentations, exams, and group assignments.
Chartered Accountancy Course Material
Business Laws
Cost Accounting and Financial Management
Chartered Accountancy Career Outcomes
Internal auditor
Tax auditor
Statutory auditor
Finance controller
Forensic auditor
Chartered Accountancy Average Salary
According to Talent.com, chartered accountants can make £40,000 a year upon graduation.
9. Law
A law degree’s difficulty is in the amount of reading required. This takes us to the previously mentioned difficulty of workload in terms of reading amounts, and it will also require the memorization of certain laws. Law is also often combined with other courses such as finance, human rights, ethics across various fields, and more.
Law examination methods typically include exams ( can include open book exams); they also depend on essays, coursework, presentations, reports, and lastly, your dissertation.
Law Course Material
During your law studies, you will study various useful subjects such as communication, government and history, statistics, and more. You will also study law-related subjects such as:
Contract law
Tort law
Criminal law
Constitutional/administrative law
Land/property law
Equity/trusts law
Law Degree Career Outcomes
Tax Lawyer
Defence Lawyer
Barrister's clerk
Law Graduates Average Salary
According to the UK government, a grade 7 lawyer typically has a salary of £47,541 or £58,000 a year, depending on post-qualification experience.
10. Nursing
Nursing is another course that is often regarded as one of the most challenging. Nursing is primarily concerned with helping different kinds of patients who are either unwell or who need support to get back to health. Nursing’s difficulty lies in the need to not only develop practical skills but also theoretical knowledge. Its other difficulty will be the long hours required to be spent in the hospital as part of ward shifts.
Examination methods include reports, essays, exams, and presentations.
Nursing Course Material
Nursing practice and simulation
Anatomy and Physiology
Core values and complexity in nursing knowledge and interventions
Applied mental health practice
Nursing Career Outcomes
Paediatric nurse
Nurse paramedic
Health visitor
Occupational health nurse
Nursing Average Salary
According to prospects, starting nurses can make a starting salary of £28,407 a year.
Other courses worthy of mention include astronomy, actuarial science, biomedical engineering, and criminology.
What Makes a University Course Difficult?
What typically gives a course its association as a difficult course from the learner’s perspective includes:
A High Workload and Fast Pace
A common characteristic of many of the toughest courses in the world is the high workload associated with them. Workload refers to the amount of work you are expected to do, and combined with a fast pace, it may lead to difficulties.
Fast pace, in an academic sense, refers to the speed at which the course material is covered, which ultimately adds to the workload. There are, however, ways to overcome this, which will be laid out in the solutions section.
Solution: To overcome the issue of a fast pace and high workload, it is very important to have high time awareness, so you’ll need to create schedules and study plans that ensure you have enough time to study and revise.
You can also make yourself familiar with the course material so that you can have a little head start during your next lecture. In the incoming section, you’ll learn of the importance of making yourself familiar with new concepts in the next item on our “what makes a course difficult” list.
No Previous Background Knowledge
Students who have, for instance, a previous background in math will find the course easier than those who do not. This is one of the main indicators that gives a student a sense of whether or not this course is easy or difficult.
While studying a new subject where you have no previous background, you will also have to deal with new abstract concepts as well as vocabulary. This is why various institutions offer pre-university courses, which can help students get a head start at university. No previous background knowledge can also extend to other subjects that support the course that you are currently studying.
Solution: You can always get acquainted with your course prior to enrolling. This can be done in various ways, the first being looking up your intended course and its related topics. Get your hands on some old materials from the same course and get a feel for what this course has to offer.
You can also start early by taking a pre-university course, which will help you get ahead at your institution. Regarding abstract concepts, students generally prefer visual subjects where visuals are used to explain complex concepts.
Memorisation Challenges
Students also often struggle with courses that have a high dependency on memorization, especially whenever similar concepts are presented, often leading to confusion.
Solution: Students generally find applied course concepts easier to remember than theoretical concepts. You can also try to refer to practical applications of your theoretical concepts.
Other factors that contribute to course difficulty include uninteresting subjects, not being able to relate to new concepts, difficult examinations, and aesthetic differences, mainly in artistic majors.
So, with all that said, what makes a study difficult is all of these efforts combined, which are commonly referred to as “academic rigour," which is the total effort exerted in a course.
Lastly, we highly encourage you to follow your passion and, most importantly, “study smart and not hard”. We can also share a wide range of helpful resources, such as Studying at Night: Night Owls Studying Tips and Tricks, Tips for Studying in a Foreign Language, and Pros and Cons of Studying in Groups, among other resources. If you require additional support, such as finding your perfect student home, make sure to contact us.
Tips and Advice
University Life
By Samir Badawy
Tips and Advice
University Life
By Samir Badawy