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How To Prepare For University Post-Covid

Tips and Advice

07 March, 2022


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How To Prepare For University Post-Covid

Tips and Advice

07 March, 2022


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Starting university can be a very exciting time, but it can also be quite nerve-wracking, and never has this been more true than in 2022. After all, the Covid-19 pandemic has led to huge changes in our daily lives, including how we work, study, and socialise.

Though things have started to return to some sort of normal, students starting their university journey will find that it’s a little different from what they were expecting. However, you must make the best of the situation and not let Covid-19 alter your experience. 

The best way to do this is to prepare for your university journey in a post-Covid world carefully, and to help you do this, here are a few things to consider.

1. Understand that Things Might be Different - and that’s OK!

One of the crucial things to remember is that things are still going to be a little bit different from the university experience we knew and came to expect a while ago. Lectures may be more sparse or socially distanced, and some lessons may even be conducted online if in-person attendance is unnecessary. 

Not only this, but events such as freshers fairs, live music, and social events may be smaller, held outdoors, or more carefully monitored. As such, you need to adjust your expectations accordingly and know that things will be different. 

If this affects your mood from time to time, that’s OK, too. Every student will be going through the same thing, so don’t be afraid to reach out to your housemates, coursemates, or lecturers if you need to. 

2. Think About Your Financial Situation

When applying for student finance or saving up before you go, think about how you can get the most for your money. This will give you one less thing to think about when you start your first term.

You could also apply for jobs well ahead of time to increase your chances of getting a weekend role to make some extra money while studying.

3. Prepare For Move-in Day

Whether you’re staying in student halls or a house, there are always move-in essentials that you have to keep in mind. If you are moving from one student hall to another for the first time, ask around for professional courier companies. This makes the journey much easier for you. That being said, you don’t want to take everything you own to university. 

4. Get the Vaccine If You Haven’t Already.

It’s a good idea to get vaccinated and make sure you’ve had the relevant booster jabs before you go. If you haven’t had time, you can sign up to your local GP at your new university and book in there to get it done. This will help protect you and others, and it will also be important if you hope to get a part-time job and attend parties, festivals, and other big events. 

5. Get your Covid-19 Passport on Your Phone

Lots of universities and other venues are making it mandatory for guests to show Covid passports at the door, either your vaccination status or a recent test, so having this readily available will make your life much easier. 

Download the NHS app and get your passport on your phone so you can quickly flash this at the door when you’re going out. 

6. Use Social Media to Meet New Coursemates

Before you head off, it’s nice to know at least one or two people you will be meeting in your new home. Social media is a great tool for this as it allows you to connect with future friends. Lots of universities will set up dedicated groups for halls or for different courses where you can join and get chatting with others. 

This can help you feel better when you arrive on your first day as you’ll already have a good idea of who you’ll be living with. You could even arrange to meet up with people and walk to class on your first lecture.

7. Find out the rules and Ask for Advice. 

The rules and regulations are changing all the time, so it’s a good idea to stay up to date. Keep checking the university website and emails for important information. For example, you’ll want to know if you’ll be expected to wear masks in lectures. You might also want to know what the university is doing to keep people safe. This can help put your mind at rest and ensure you won’t face any surprises on your first day. 

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